Diana 4th August 2020

10 years ago yesterday Gary left us, 3 days after his stroke. It seems like only yesterday that we last saw him, as the memory is so clear, and yet it also seems like another lifetime away. Yesterday I felt no sorrow, simply at peace: Gary is in a good place, as he went knowing he could trust his eternal future to God, and I know that one day I shall join him. A lot has happened in the last 10 years, and life for me is very different. I am grateful for all the benefits I have had in knowing Gary as my husband, and will always miss his presence, but I am thankful for so many good memories - through tough times as well. As Gary was dying the girls and I read Psalm 23 together: he went through the valley of the shadow of death into death, whereas we came through it to life. The psalm continues with the assurance "certainly, [God's] goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life", and that is what I take hold of for however much longer I have on this earth.